When It Comes To Sex…

A little knowledge can go a long way. Being a good lover means being an informed lover.

There are some really startling statistics you should probably be aware of in order to play and stay safe. I’m not a big doom and gloom kind of guy but it always pays to stay aware or what is going on out there.

The Bad News…

At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women will have a genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. HPV, or human papillomavirus, comes in both low- and high-risk forms; low-risk HPV can cause genital warts, and high-risk can cause cervical and other cancers.

The Good News…

In 90 percent of cases, the body’s immune system will fight off the disease within two years. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Check out more at http://www.livescience.com/11387-10-surprising-sex-statistics.html

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