Hi [name short code here]

Before I get to today’s issue I have something to ask you…

I am hoping to put out occasional bonus issues in between  the regular newsletters.

They won’t come out at a regular interval just whenever I have something to cover and I find the time to sit down at the keyboard and hammer it out.

But before I get started on that, I want to make sure I am hitting the topics that you are interested in.

 So Here is The Favor I Want To Ask You…


Insert survey plugin short code here.


I want to know what are the top two questions you have about sex and lovemaking.

In other words, if you could sit down and have lunch with me, what are the top questions you would ask me [name code here]?

Just hit the “reply” button in your email program right now, and send them to me.

Now I can’t promise an individual answer to your questions-

with so many thousands of subscribers(over 25,000). There is

no way I can do that BUT I can promise you this…

I will personally read all of your questions, and will try to incorporate them into future newsletters.

That’s it for now, So lets jump right into…



Link To Lesson One: The First Step To Mind Blowing Sex
